About Us

/Our Origin

ffPro was developed by Jean-Philippe Lemieux, the founder of LMX Apps Inc., a company based in the Province of Quebec.

Jean-Philippe is an actuary and a financial analyst. After working for about 30 years in the pension and investment industry, he decided to return to one of his passions, computer programming.

During his reflections, one question kept coming back in mind: How could he help people enjoy an additional year of retirement?

It is with this question in mind that he decided to design this web application in order to project the financial situation of Quebec families, by including an estimate of the actuarial value of defined benefit pension plans, including government plans.

/Media Coverage

Nouvelle application web pour planification de retraite

By Jean-François Barbe, Finance Investissement, September 29, 2021

Une nouvelle application financière pour les frugalistes québécois·es

By Jean-Sébastien Pilotte, jeuneretraite.ca, Avril 9, 2024


Sincere gratitude to Jean-Sébastien Pilotte for his generosity and sound advice on the app’s user experience. These led, among other things, to the creation of the Express version, the solver and the “Quick Start”. Jean-Sébastien is a well-known Quebec influencer in the “FIRE” movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) and author of the jeuneretraite.ca blog and the book “La retraite à 40 ans”.

/Our Logo

Our logo and the other images of the application were designed by Bernard Lemieux, a multidisciplinary engineer creator from Gatineau..

ffPro logo animation

The logo is composed of five main elements:

The Pentagon

The pentagon is the basis of the application’s graphic design. It symbolizes the family by its shape emulating a house.

The Curve

The curve inside the house evokes the evolution of family wealth over the years and the financial projection, the foundation of the app.

The Decline on the Curve

The decline on the curve reminds us of the uncertain nature of the financial markets. It is in the centre of the logo to represent its importance in financial decision-making.

The Accent

The accent on the house suggests another house in the background. This expresses the unique multigenerational functionality of the app.

The Pedal

The pedal on the bottom left of the logo, as an accelerator or lever, symbolizes the actions you can take today to improve your financial situation, based on scenario projections of the app.

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