Privacy Policy

    Last Update: August 5, 2022

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe the practices adopted by LMX Apps Inc. (hereinafter “LMX”) with respect to our use of the personal information you provide to us through the use of the application (on the website) (hereinafter “ffPro”).

Personal Information

By using ffPro, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

By providing your family members’ or customers’ personal information, if any, in connection with the use of ffPro, you represent and warrant that you have obtained the free and informed consent of each of your family members or customers, if any, to the use of their personal information for the purpose of using ffPro.

The collection of Personal Information occurs at various times when you use our ffPro. Personal information includes personally identifiable information, such as first and last name, user name, home address, e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number, credit card information, IP address, employment information, and any other information of a financial nature that is provided in the course of using ffPro.

By using ffPro we may also access and collect the following personal information:

  • frequency of use of ffPro and browsing history on our site, including screens visited and your behaviour in order to monitor and improve ffPro;
  • cookies, which are small computer files that ffPro’s server places on your computer. You can set your browser to reject cookies, but doing so may interfere with our ability to personalize your experience, for example, by remembering that you are a user of ffPro;
  • your transactions for using ffPro, including payment history.

We may use personal information only for the purpose for which it was originally collected (i.e. projecting financial status into the future), or for a related purpose (for example, to communicate with you), or for any other purpose that is specifically permitted by law.

We will not disclose personal information to anyone except with your permission or in accordance with any applicable law.

Information Sent by E-mail

When you communicate with us by e-mail, we treat this information with the utmost confidentiality. The information you provide will only be used to respond to your request.


Using ffPro is secure. You must authenticate yourself to access your account using your e-mail address and a password. It is the user’s responsibility to keep their user ID and password confidential. ffPro is secured by an encryption process. With this security mechanism, the user’s ID and password are encrypted and therefore personal information is inaccessible to third parties.

The personal information collected in your account is stored in a secure database on Azure (Microsoft) server located in Canada and Stripe’s servers for secure subscription management but is only accessible by the user and the ffPro administrator to manage the application or assist you, if needed.

For your information, you can view the privacy policies of these service providers by clicking on the links below:

Closing Your Account

If you wish to close your account, simply visit the “Personal Information” page of your account or, contact us to do so. We may proceed to close your account and destroy your personal information.

Right of Access

We commit ourselves to recognize a right of access and rectification to the people concerned, wishing to consult, modify, or even delete, the information concerning them.

Right to Object and Opt Out

We are committed to providing you with the right to object and withdraw your personal information.

The right to object is the ability to refuse to allow your personal information to be used for ffPro’s purposes.

The right to opt out is the ability to request that your personal information no longer appears on the servers used by LMX.


Our Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring that we comply with this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws. We are responsible for personal information in our possession or custody.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or if you wish to exercise your rights as described above, please do not hesitate to contact our Privacy Officer, Jean-Philippe Lemieux, by e-mail at

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