Terms of Use

    Last Update: February 23, 2024

The use of the ffPro.ca application (on the https://ffpro.ca website) (hereinafter “ffPro”) implies your acceptance of these terms of use. By using the ffPro application you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms of use contained herein.

Use of ffPro

The use of ffPro is strictly reserved for personal, family or professional purposes, depending on the license selected. For optimal use of ffPro, it is recommended that you access it by computer and not by smartphone or tablet in order to benefit from all the features offered.


The user hereby declares and confirms that he has a place of residence in Canada.

The applicable fees for the use of ffPro according to the subscription selected by the user are payable to LMX Applications Inc. (hereinafter “LMX”) either in full by a single payment when registering for an annual subscription or by monthly payments in the case of a monthly subscription. In the case of an annual subscription, the contract is renewed annually; in the case of a monthly subscription, the contract is renewed every month. Fees may be adjusted upwards by LMX at the time of the subscription renewal. In the event of a fee increase, LMX will provide the user with a notice of the increase at least two (2) weeks prior to the subscription renewal date. The user hereby authorizes LMX to automatically charge the user’s credit card at the applicable payment frequency until the agreement is terminated.

Payment of fees for the use of ffPro can only be made by credit card.

All prices listed on this site are in Canadian dollars.

Cancellation and Refund

Users may cancel their subscription at any time by visiting the “Subscription” page of their account or by contacting LMX via e-mail. For users who pay monthly fees, the subscription will remain in effect for the month of the subscription already paid, but will no longer be charged starting the month after the user cancels their subscription. In the case of a user who pays the annual fee in a single payment, the subscription will remain in effect for the subscription year already paid and the user will not be entitled to a refund of the fee paid.

Technical Support Services

LMX agrees to provide the user with technical support services to facilitate the use of ffPro.

The user acknowledges that LMX may, from time to time, temporarily restrict access to ffPro to perform maintenance or upgrades or to correct any problems. Access will be restored within a reasonable time.

User’s Obligation

The user covenants and agrees with LMX to: (i) to cooperate with LMX, to transmit information and to respond promptly to LMX’s reasonable requests relating to the proper use of ffPro; (ii) to maintain and renew its computer equipment adequately, to maintain Internet access with a third-party provider and to update its Web browser regularly; (iii) promptly report to LMX in writing any problems with the use of ffPro so that such problems can be corrected in a timely manner; and (iv) provide any other relevant information to LMX regarding the use of ffPro during technical support.

The user is responsible for updating its account information, including contact information, and information required for electronic credit card payment of amounts payable under the agreement for use of ffPro.

Intellectual Property

All elements and content present on the ffPro.ca website and on the ffPro application, including but not limited to textual content, images, icons, logos, general visuals, interface and source code, are the exclusive property of LMX. The user has no right to disable any function of the ffPro application or to obtain the source code or any other component of ffPro in whole or in part. With the exception of user data and financial projection reports in various forms (graphs, charts, excerpts, etc.) generated by ffPro based on user data, no one has the right to take over, reproduce, republish, copy, redistribute, sell, or modify any LMX owned material or content.


In consideration of the user fulfilling its obligations hereunder, including payment of the applicable consideration for use of ffPro, LMX grants the user a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the functionality of ffPro in the manner and for the duration set forth in the user’s subscription. The license granted to the user is not limited to the use of ffPro on a single user’s computer.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability

LMX agrees to keep ffPro up to date at all times and to maintain it in a timely manner to ensure its quality and usability for users. The user understands that ffPro is a data entry platform for financial projections. The use of ffPro does not replace the advice and services of professionals in the field of finance, taxation or accounting. The business strategies and personal decisions undertaken by the user or the user’s clients, if any, as a result of the financial projections generated by the use of ffPro are strictly those of the user and are not the result of advice or suggestions from LMX or its officers, directors or employees.

LMX assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of financial projections generated through the use of ffPro. The user understands that the data entered into ffPro for the preparation of financial projections is based on assumptions made by the user and that there is no guarantee that these assumptions will be realized in the future. Indeed, many factors can and will influence markets and returns in the future including, but not limited to, climate change, economic crises, depressions, recessions, elections, disasters, wars, insurrections, etc.

LMX will not be liable for any direct, indirect, exemplary, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost savings, lost opportunity, or lesser performance that could have been foreseen by the use of ffPro.

In any case where LMX is liable, any amount payable to the user by LMX will be capped at the total amount received by LMX from the user for the use of ffPro.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws and regulations of the Province of Quebec and the laws and regulations of Canada applicable therein. Any dispute relating to the use of ffPro shall be resolved in accordance with these laws in a court of the judicial district of Montreal.


If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these Terms of Use and any other agreement between the parties, the provisions of these Terms of Use shall prevail.

Information to be Provided to Consumers in Accordance with the Consumer Protection Act

Contact information
  • Name: LMX Apps Inc.
  • Address: 309 Alice-Carrière Street, Beaconsfield, Quebec, H9W 6E5
  • Phone number: 514-893-2323
  • E-mail: jean-philippe.lemieux@ffPro.ca
Description of the Service

ffPro projects the family financial situation of Quebecers over a period of five to 80 years. It is an evaluation tool to support financial decisions at any time during one’s working life or during retirement.

A “Quick Start” process assists users in entering the minimum required information about themselves (and their spouse, if applicable) and helps them understand the app’s basic functionality.

The app also offers several “Step-by-Step” learning modules. These modules take users through pages of the app, with the learning content appearing at the top of the page.

Technical specifications
Number of families
  • Basic personal license: 2
  • Basic professional license: 20
Number of individuals per family, financial data sets, strategy sets, assumption sets, projections, scenarios, optimizations Unlimited
Number of occupations, assets, debts, income, expenses Unlimited, except for the asset of the type “FHSA” which is limited to one
Types of occupation Employment and self-employment
Types of assets Current assets, term deposits and GICs, portfolio assets, real assets and defined benefit pension plans
Types of investments TFSA, FHSA, registered investments and other
Types of registered investments RRSP, RRIF, Locked-in RRSP/LIRA, LIF, defined contribution RPP, PRPP/RVER and DPSP
Types of real assets Residences, income properties, other appreciating assets and depreciating assets
Components of portfolio assets Short-term securities, Canadian bonds, Canadian equities, US equities, foreign equities, international equities and emerging market equities
Types of debts Current debts, loans, mortgages.
Types of revenues Income from employment (compensations, taxable benefits, capital accumulation plans and a defined benefit pension plan), self-employment, investments, government plans (OAS and QPP), pension plans (payable or deferred), support payments, certain Government credits and benefits, and other sources (including the actual amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations owned by the individual)
Types of capital accumulation plans Defined Contribution Registered Pension Plan (DC RPP), DPSP, PRPP/RVER, Group RRSP, Group TFSA
Types of defined benefit registered pension plans

Federally or Quebec registered RPP.

Pension formulas based on career average earnings, final average earnings, flat benefit, or a combination for different periods of service.

Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)

Estimates of the retirement pension, the retirement pension supplement and the surviving pension for spouse.

Estimates of the retirement pension based on historical and projected pensionable earnings.

Takes into account changes to the QPP on January 1, 2024.

Government credits and benefits payable during the year

Federal: advanced Canadian workers benefit, GST/HST credit, Canada child benefit, OAS’s guaranteed income supplement (GIS) and allowance for the spouse.

Provincial: advance payments of the work premium tax credit, solidarity tax credit and family allowance.

Types of expenses Household expenses (spending budgets, specific and succession expenses) and dependants, occupation, investment (portfolios and real assets) and depreciation expenses.
Income taxes

Federal and provincial taxes are calculated separately based on the individual’s and spouse’s projected personal and financial situation, if applicable.

Includes RRSP/PRPP deduction limit, TFSA contribution room, FHSA, HBP, current year registered plan withdrawals, unused net capital losses (and non-capital losses) and tax instalments.

Calculation of income tax on a traditional basis and on an effective basis, i.e. taking into account of certain Government credits and benefits payable during the year.

Calculation of average and marginal income tax rates, as well as marginal effective tax rates on additional income and additional RRSP contributions.

No foreign tax is calculated on income and capital gains associated with foreign assets. We assume that expected returns on assets are net of foreign withholding taxes, if any.

Investment strategies
  • Term deposits and GICs: Allows transfer to portfolio assets at maturity
  • Portfolio assets: Allows for the change of asset allocation in the future
  • Real assets: Allows for the acquisition, improvement and disposition of all types of real assets
Accumulation strategy It allows you to indicate annual personal savings in term deposits and GICs as well as portfolio assets and to set up automatic acquisitions and dispositions.
Decumulation strategy

Allows you to indicate the age at which you wish to receive your retirement pensions as well as the age at which you wish to transfer your registered investments to retirement income funds and their withdrawal parameters.

Allows you to simulate the cessation of QPP contributions as soon as permitted or at a later target age.

Also allows you to specify the annual amount of additional withdrawals from term deposits and GICs as well as portfolio assets and to set up automatic acquisitions and dispositions.

Income tax strategies Allows for pension income splitting (determined annually), transfer of amounts or credits to the spouse, HBP and FHSA.
Succession strategy Allows for spousal bequests (including tax-free rollovers from registered investments and TFSA rollovers) by asset type and universal bequests to relatives.
Projection assumptions The basic expected rates and returns are those published annually by the Institute of Financial Planning and can be adjusted by the user.

Allows you to view the projected financial position of an individual, couple or family based on the following themes: key predetermined measures, major components of the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, change in net assets), tax returns (two tiers), capital accumulation and decumulation plans, achievement of individual goals (capital accumulation, retirement and decumulation, or succession) and asset allocation. In addition, summary financial statement results can be viewed by generation (up to four).

Also allows you to view demographic statistics for the individual and succession calculations if the individual reaches the assumed age of death during the projection period.

Scenarios Allows you to compare key projected measures for an individual, couple or family under different financial data scenarios, strategies and assumptions.

Allows you to compare key projected measures of an individual, couple or family by automatically varying certain parameters of financial data or strategies.

Allows to answer a few specific questions, such as: When will I be financially independent?

Reports Allows you to generate individual or couple projection reports (in pdf format) and include the desired sections. Subscribers can print, download and share it.
Price of the Service

The personal license is available for $12.50 per month. Additional families can be purchased by the personal user for $3.92 per month per additional family, payable in the same payment method and for the remainder of the current subscription. If the user chooses the annual payment method, the annual price is reduced by 10%, or $135 and $42.34 for the base price and the price per additional family respectively.

The professional license is available for $83 per month. The professional user can purchase additional families for $3.52 per month for each additional family, payable by the same payment method and for the remainder of the current subscription. If the user chooses the annual payment method, the annual price is reduced by 10%, or $896.40 and $37.97 for the base price and the price for each additional family respectively.

Applicable taxes are added to the above prices.

The date or times of performance of its main obligation: at the time of payment by the user.

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